Identify which browser your Hoxhunt add-in is using


You may sometimes experience issue with Hoxhunt that are related to a specific web browser used to run the add-in's content. This article helps to identify which web browser is used by your email client. The information is needed in certain troubleshooting and debugging efforts.


For Windows desktop Outlook users

Hoxhunt add-in is available in two distinct types. If you are unsure of your add-on type, please refer to: Identifying installed Hoxhunt button (add-in / add-on type)

Office web add-in (Officejs)

All Windows Office web add-ins use a specific system browser to render HTML content by default. It can be either Internet Explorer, Legacy Edge, or Chromium Edge. There is no practical way to override the selected browser, as the selection is done by Microsoft.

To determine which web browser is used in your case, please see the following MS articles for the most up to date information:

Office COM add-in

All Windows Office COM add-ins use the user's default web browser.


For Mac desktop Outlook users

System's embedded WebKit browser is used by Hoxhunt add-in.


For Outlook for the Web users

The web browser you used to access Outlook for the Web is used by Hoxhunt add-in. For example, if you use Outlook with Chrome, Hoxhunt add-in will also use Chrome.


For users

The web browser you used to access is used by Hoxhunt add-in. For example, if you use with Chrome, Hoxhunt add-in will also use Chrome.


I have identified my web browser, what's next?

Once you have identified the correct web browser, you can start following our several troubleshooting guides or begin debugging directly with the appropriate debuggers:

Debugging Hoxhunt add-in with embedded debugger

Debugging Hoxhunt add-in with Chromium Edge DevTools

Debugging Hoxhunt add-in with Legacy Edge DevTools

Debugging Hoxhunt add-in with IEChooser.exe

Debugging Hoxhunt add-in with Fiddler

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