Hoxhunt button: Updating Hoxhunt Outlook add-in

While a majority of Hoxhunt add-in's new features and functionality can be introduced without updating the add-in's manifest.xml, some features or changes need changes to be done to the manifest.xml itself.

The manifest isn't automatically updated, so updating Hoxhunt add-in must be done manually by Microsoft 365 Admin via Microsoft 365 Admin Center or via Exchange Admin Center.


Updating add-in to new version

A) If Hoxhunt was deployed via Centralized Deployment

If you deployed Hoxhunt add-in via Centralized Deployment, you can update Hoxhunt add-in via two ways:


Settings > Integrated apps > Hoxhunt Report > Update add-in


Settings > Add-ins > Hoxhunt Report > Update add-in



Enter the manifest.xml URL: https://officejs.hoxhunt.com/api/v1/manifest/default/manifest.xml

If you haven’t given consent to Graph API permissions before, a view with permissions and capabilities may be shown. Review them and proceed.

If adding from URL fails, please download the manifest.xml to Desktop and use Add from file... option instead. You may still receive an error but the update works this time.


IMPORTANT: If your organization has deployed a customized Hoxhunt add-in (e.g. custom logo), please see section C) below as you need to choose the correct manifest.xml.

NOTE: It may take several hours for desktop Outlook clients to detect the updated add-in, as its performed as a background task. You can verify update process worked more quickly via Web Outlook.


B) If Hoxhunt was deployed via Exchange Admin Center

If you deployed Hoxhunt add-in via Exchange Admin Center (organization > apps/add-ins) or via New Exchange Admin Center (Organization > Add-ins), there is no Update option available.

You first need to remove Hoxhunt add-in and then re-deploy it. Please note this will temporarily remove the add-in from end users and may create some service disruption.


C) My organization deployed a customised Hoxhunt button

If your organization has deployed a customised Hoxhunt add-in (e.g. custom logo), replace the manifest URL with your custom manifest URL, and then proceed with either option A) or B) depending on your original deployment method.



Frequently asked questions

When should we update Hoxhunt add-in to a newer version?

Most new features in Hoxhunt can be enabled and disabled without updating the add-in itself. However, sometimes a new Hoxhunt feature may require Microsoft to extend their Office add-in framework first. For example, version includes support for reporting emails from shared mailboxes. This feature was made technically possible by development effort from Microsoft side, and thus the new feature required a new "flag" to be added to the manifest.xml. This is a security measure from Microsoft that ensures that new significant features cannot be introduced to Office add-ins silently.

You can check our release notes for new features. If the feature needs Hoxhunt add-in version update, it is mentioned explicitly in the article.


How can we check the version number of currently installed Hoxhunt Outlook add-in?

Your Exchange Admins can check the deployed add-in version.

If you deployed Hoxhunt Outlook add-in via Exchange Admin Center, go to Exchange Admin Center > organization > add-ins. Locate Hoxhunt add-in from the list and open it's details to check its version number.

If you deployed Hoxhunt Outlook add-in via Centralized Deployment, go to M365 Admin Center > Settings > Integrated apps or SettingsAdd-ins. Locate Hoxhunt add-in from the list and open it's details to check its version number.

NOTE: Add-in's version number is not visible via Services > Integrated apps. This is a limitation by Microsoft. If you already have the latest add-in version installed, you will be prompted accordingly.

It is also possible to check the add-in version via Powershell.

NOTE: Regular Hoxhunt user cannot check the add-in's version number.


Can we check the changes you have done? We may also have some security concerns over what type of permissions Hoxhunt add-in is asking for.

Yes. The manifest.xml used to install and update Hoxhunt add-in can be opened and examined in any text editor.

For more information about how to read Outlook add-in manifest.xml, security and privacy concerns, please refer to following articles form Microsoft:

Office add-ins XML manifest

Outlook add-in manifests

Privacy, permissions and security for Outlook add-ins

Understanding Outlook add-in permissions


My company has a customized Hoxhunt add-in. We recently changed the logo of the button, but after the update process, New Outlook for Mac is still showing the old logo.

New Outlook for Mac has really persistent caching. Here’s Microsoft’s instructions on how to reset Outlook cache:

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