Post-launch: First 8 Weeks - Encourage your employees to participate in the training

First 8 Weeks Post Launch: Keeping up momentum

After the pre-launch communication campaign as outlined in our article Pre-launch: Introduce Hoxhunt to your employees before launch you have launched Hoxhunt training to your employees, great work!

The first 8 weeks post launch is your time to ensure that your employees are joining the training and receiving additional information to further develop their phishing awareness skills in identifying and reporting phishing emails.

If your service plan includes a Dedicated Customer Success Manager, they will support you throughout your journey through regular meetings, suggestions for communication campaigns, and activating users to improve your organization's risk levels.

If a Dedicated Customer Success Manager is not part of your service, you can follow some of the best practices outlined below to ensure that your employees are actively onboarding to the training.

Hoxhunt has mapped out a suggested communications timeline that you can use as a template as you plan your communications.

You can read a more detailed breakdown of the available pre-launch materials in our knowledge base here: Post launch - First 8 Weeks - Communication materials and templates

First 8 weeks - overview of communication activities

Once you have distributed the button and launched the training to your team, it is time to monitor the onboarding rate, perform user activations, and to communicate fundamental awareness topics to your employees. Hoxhunt recommends that you focus on the following activities during the first 8 weeks:

1. User activations

What are user activations?

Once the training has been launched to your employees, some of them will take the opportunity to start the training by reporting their first Hoxhunt training email. However, some users will not start their training and this can be due to a multitude of factors, such as:

  • They missed all the pre-launch communication and do not know how to start their training
  • They missed the launch email and do not know how to start the training
  • They were busy when the launch happened, and forgot to follow up later

After launch user activations give us a chance to re-engage with the employees that did not yet take the opportunity to start the training.

What happens during a user activation?

User activations happen in three steps:

  1. You identify the employees who have not yet started the training.
  2. You agree with Hoxhunt support on a date when you would like Hoxhunt to send the Hoxhunt launch email again, and Hoxhunt sends the launch email as agreed.
  3. You send out targeted communication to the employees prior to the date upon which Hoxhunt will re-engage them.

How do I run an activation campaign?

1. Identify the employees who have not yet started the training

Navigate to the Hoxhunt Insights Portal and Data Inspector Report at 

Adjust the filters as outlined here for a Reactivation Report. You can download the results as a CSV and then send out targeted communication to the employees before the activation.

2. Schedule the activation for a specific date with Hoxhunt Support

You can schedule re-activations by directly contacting the Hoxhunt Support Team at Please make sure to schedule the activation at least 3 business days ahead with the following specifications:

  • Subject line: Re-activation of COMPANY NAME - DD.MM.YYYY
  • Request type: Re-activation
  • Target audience: All not started users vs all not started users of specific country, department or site (read more about adding user dimension to the training here.)
  • Date and time of the activation
  • Start type: Invitation vs automatic start

3. Send targeted communication to the employees ahead of the activation

Send a targeted communication email to the employees based on the report from Data Inspector a day before the activation. Find a few Hoxhunt email templates for inspiration for your targeted communication in our post-launch communications materials in Sharepoint.

Hoxhunt recommends that you keep monitoring the onboarding rate throughout the first 8 weeks to be able to activate your not-onboarded users in the best manner to reach both a high onboarding and a high activity rate

2. General cybersecurity awareness communication

What are the Hoxhunt cybersecurity awareness communication templates?

Hoxhunt has created a set of general cybersecurity awareness materials to be shared with your whole employee group for added understanding into:

  • How to identify phishing emails
  • Why they should report phishing emails
  • How the Hoxhunt training works
  • How the Hoxhunt training progresses

These materials will not only increase the general cyber security awareness of your employees but also helps users to engage with the Hoxhunt training. They build upon the pre-launch communication campaign already performed by your organization and work as an important part of a successful rollout for Hoxhunt.

The materials consist of 1-pagers, slide banners and videos to provide something for everybody. Like with any communication, using a multi-channel approach through different internal channels (e.g. email, Slack, Teams, Yammer, company All Hands) will help reach your users in the best manner, and these materials have been created to exactly help with that.

It’s worth noting the success of rolling out Hoxhunt will largely depend on the success of your communication campaign. It is therefore a worthwhile to invest some resources in making sure you get the word out to your employees about Hoxhunt and reporting suspicious emails.

First 8 weeks - suggested communication timeline

We recommend making sure that you keep up momentum in the first 2 weeks to both share general awareness communication as well as target the not started users. After this, you can do one more round of activations in week 4. In weeks 7-8 you can choose the content you think will be more useful for your employees, or even share both if you prefer. 

You can build out your own timeline for how you would like to communicate with your employees, or you can find a suggested timeline for both the general awareness topics and the targeted employee activations:



Questions or feedback?

If you have any feedback or questions about our post-launch communication templates and visual elements, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or


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