This article was updated 22th of March 2023 to provide a fix to a residual issue where some users were still affected by the error message, even after March 2023 Exchange Server Security Update has been installed.
See 'Solution' for more details.
Error description
Using Hoxhunt button may throw a persistent error for customers running on-premise Exchange Server(s).
Error messages
An internal error has occurred.
The request has failed.
Please look at the diagnostics object for the HTTP error code.
The user is no longer connected to the network.
Please check your network connection.
The request has failed. Please look at the diagnostics object for the HTTP error code.
The various issues are caused by a security patch done by Microsoft to their Exchange Servers (2016 and 2019) - the problems started with the KB5023038 that caused issues with EWS communication.
UPDATE 22.3.2023: If there are still users affected by this error, Exchange Admin must temporarily disable and then re-enable Hoxhunt add-in in Exchange Admin Center.
1. Go to Exchange Admin Center.
2. Under organization section, select add-ins (or apps).
3. Locate Hoxhunt add-in on the list and click on the pencil icon.
4. In the Edit add-in settings dialog, de-select Make this add-in available to users your organization. Click Save.
5. Locate Hoxhunt add-in again and click on the pencil icon.
6. Select Make this add-in available to users your organization. Click Save.
7. If you have access to Web Outlook, try Hoxhunt button again. If you have desktop Outlook, relaunch the application and try Hoxhunt button again.
NOTE: It may take some time until the change has been applied to all affected users.
We recommend following the Tech Community article by Microsoft where known issues and workarounds are listed.