Hoxhunt rollout resources and tasks


The Hoxhunt rollout requires a few different types of resources on your side. In general, it is good to include your cyber security awareness program owner (such as CISO, Cyber Security Awareness Manager etc). This article gives you a high level idea of the resources needed from your team to complete the Hoxhunt rollout, which include:

  • Technical resource
  • Internal communication resource
  • Employee training experience resource

Depending on your organization structure, these resources may be the same person or different people. For more details on the profile of each needed resource, please see below.


Technical resource

For the technical implementation of the Hoxhunt Phishing Training, you will need resources who have admin access to:

  • Your email environment (M365 / Google Workspace) 
  • Any third-party mail filters you have in place (such as Proofpoint, Cisco Ironport)
  • Any proxies, firewalls, VPNs, web filters or link scanners you have in place (such as ZScaler, Bluecoat)
  • Your Identity Provider (IdP) to enable SSO and/or automated user provisioning through SCIM (such as Azure AD, Okta). Please note that for a POC or Pilot, you can skip this step and manage the users manually, which will take less resources on your side. 

If you have included the Hoxhunt Response Platform in your package, you should also include resources from the team that is processing reported real phishing emails, so the Hoxhunt Response Platform can as seamlessly as possible be integrated into your processes.

Your Onboarding Manager will ask you to fill in a Technical Background Form, based on which they will build out customized implementation guides specifically for your environment. You can take a look at the Technical Implementation Overviews below:

Hoxhunt Microsoft Technical Implementation Overview

Hoxhunt for Google Workspace Technical Implementation Overview


Internal communications resource

Moving from your current way of reporting real phishing emails and phishing training system to Hoxhunt will require some internal communication to your employees to ensure they know Hoxhunt is being introduced and what is expected of them. Hoxhunt has developed an article series and extensive resources for communication (including communication templates, videos, gifs etc.) that you are welcome to use as is or customize to your liking.

Please note that for a POC or Pilot, as the testing group is smaller, less internal communication is needed prior to the Pilot starting. The material below is geared more towards when you are launching Hoxhunt to your entire organization.

Overview of a Successful Communication Campaign

Pre-launch communication templates and visual elements

Post-launch communication materials and templates


Employee training experience resource

Hoxhunt Phishing training includes several ways in which you can customize the training experience for your employees, matching your company culture and cyber security awareness program. Your cyber security awareness program owner can manage these settings via Hoxhunt Admin Portal. These settings include for example:

  • Branding Hoxhunt training emails with your logo, address, brand colours etc.
  • Including CEO or HR Manager impersonation training emails in your training with the name of your CEO or HR Manager
  • Controlling the types of training emails that are included in the Hoxhunt training automation
  • Controlling the types of Hoxhunt Security Awareness Training quizzes and training cards on topics such as physical security, passwords, social media, social engineering etc. that are included in the Hoxhunt training automation


Hoxhunt collaboration and team

Hoxhunt will provide you with a dedicated Onboarding Manager who will support you through the onboarding project, including technical implementation and testing, internal communication pre-launch and setting up all settings and configurations to customize the employee training experience.

In addition, if you included our dedicated Customer Success Manager service in your package, Hoxhunt will also provide you with further support post launch through a dedicated Customer Success Manager to ensure you reach your goals and get the most out of Hoxhunt. Our Customer Success Managers will act as your strategic partner in building out your cyber security awareness culture.

Our Support team is also available throughout your collaboration with us to assist with questions and troubleshooting issues that may arise, either for your admins or your employees participating in the Hoxhunt Phishing Training.



If you have any questions about the Hoxhunt rollout process, please reach out to your Hoxhunt contact person. Your dedicated Hoxhunt Onboarding Manager will also walk you through the onboarding project in more detail in you first touch point with Hoxhunt's Customer Success Management team.

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