Overview of a Successful Communication Campaign

Communication planning

A successful Hoxhunt launch includes active communication to your employees. Below you can find links to resources available for you to create a successful communication campaign. In this series of articles, we walk you through some best practices and tips and tricks on how you can successfully enrol the majority of your employees in the Hoxhunt training.

Communications and the road to success

As with many things in life, the communication of a new process or service is a marathon, not a sprint. Building or strengthening positive cyber security culture ties into rolling out Hoxhunt to your team. To ensure high onboarding and activity rates it’s good to keep in mind the communications road to success:


The key milestones to having your employees actively participate in the Hoxhunt training, and thereby actively strengthening your human firewall are:

  1. Introduce Hoxhunt to your employees before launch

  2. Encourage your employees to participate in the training before and after launch

  3. Continuously reinforce the importance participating in the training

  4. Continuously reward your employees for excellent results in the training

Pre-launch: Introduce

The first stage on the road to success is introducing Hoxhunt to your team before launch.

It is important to introduce the five Ws:

  1. Why is the training being introduced?

  2. What is Hoxhunt and how does it work?

  3. Who is participating in the training and is it mandatory?

  4. When is the training starting?

  5. Where can your employees find more information?

Read more about the introduction phase here:

Pre-launch: Introduce Hoxhunt to your employees before launch

See an overview of the pre-launch communication materials here:

Pre-launch communication templates and visual elements

For an overview of the supporting materials, videos, gifs etc, please see:

Communication materials: Gifs, Screenshots and Other Visuals

Post-launch: Encourage

The second stage is the 8 weeks after launch, where it is good to monitor the onboarding rate and further encourage employees to participate in the training, while providing them with additional topical content around Hoxhunt and how they can recognize and report suspicious emails.

You will be able to monitor the onboarding and activity rate in the reporting included in Hoxhunt Insights.

We have created some template materials and some notes on best practices that you can utilize when planning your post launch communications, you can find them here:

Post-Launch / First 8 Weeks: Encourage your employees to participate in the training

See an overview of the post-launch communication materials here:

Post launch - First 8 Weeks - Communication materials and templates

For an overview of the supporting materials, videos, gifs etc, please see:

Communication materials: Gifs, Screenshots and Other Visuals

Ongoing: Reinforce and Reward

After the first eight weeks it is good to plan for ongoing communications around cyber security awareness. This can take various forms, from reinforcing the importance of participating in the training through news blasts/newsletters around cyber security awareness or recognizing/rewarding employees who have been doing excellent work in the training.

We have created some template materials and some notes on best practices that you can utilize when planning your post launch communications, you can find them here:

Post Launch / After First 8 Weeks: Ongoing activities - Reinforce and Reward

See an overview of the ongoing communication materials here:

Ongoing communication activities - Communication materials and templates

For an overview of the supporting materials, videos, gifs etc, please see:

Communication materials: Gifs, Screenshots and Other Visuals


Questions or feedback?

If you have any feedback or questions about our communication templates and visual elements, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or onboarding-team@hoxhunt.com


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