User Management through User Import Tool or CSV lists

Importing users to Hoxhunt does not yet start the training for the employee, they need access to the Hoxhunt button to be able to start the training. 

Hoxhunt offers you two ways to manage users through CSV Lists:

Option 1: User Import Tool in Hoxhunt Admin

Option 2: Send your CSV to us

Option 1: User Import Tool in Hoxhunt Admin


Located in the Hoxhunt Admin Portal, the User Import tool can be used to import new users and to modify existing user data. Each time you upload users, the system will either update existing users, or create new users based on your import. 

If you want to delete users, you can do so in the Admin Portal: User Management View

Using the User Import Tool

General introduction


The User Import tool includes two ways to import users to the Hoxhunt service:

Email address - when you want to import a few users manually through their email address
CSV  - when you want to import a list of users with pre-defined details

:info: Tip

  • Both options allow you to edit individual user details before the actual import starts.


Import via ‘Email address’ option

1. Choose Email address 

2. Enter the emails addresses of the user/s you want to add to the Hoxhunt service and choose Review.

:info: Tip

  • Email address domains must match one of the listed allowed domains for your organization. If you have errors related to this, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or for support in updating your allowed domains.

  • Type in the subsequent email addresses by separating them with a comma, space or return.

  • You can also paste in a list of email addresses with any of the following separators: comma, space or comma+space


3. Next, check the user details. If you want to make any changes, click on the respective fields and edit the values.


4. Once you are satisfied with the user data, choose Import.

IMPORTANT: Please do not close the web page while the import is in progress! The import process is running on your local web client. If you close the window, the import will be interrupted.


5. When the import is finished, you can see a summary of the import results. You can see how many users were created, how many users were updated, and how many errors were still encountered during the import. Congratulations, your user import is complete!

:info: Tip

  • You can download a CSV for each batch of users for further review.


Import via CSV option

Before you start, if you already have users in the Hoxhunt system:

  • We highly recommend that you download a backup of the current user data on your account from Insights: Data Inspector.  That way if any issues occur, you can reset the users to their original status.

If you are doing your first import, feel free to proceed with the steps below.

1. Choose CSV  

2. You will land on the overview page. 

:info: Tip

  • From here, you can also download the CSV import template.


3. Fill in your user information to the CSV template, please find definitions for each column below

Supported data formats

Column name Description Notes
firstName Mandatory: First name of the user  
lastName  Mandatory: Last name of the user  
email  Mandatory: Email of the user Each user can only be imported with one email

Optional: If you want to break down your reporting by country, you can include the country information here


country is accepted in following ISO 3166-1 formats: English short name; two-letter code (Alpha-2)
department  Optional: If you want to break down your reporting by department, you can include the country information here This input is flexible, so if Business Unit or some other identifier is more relevant for you, you can include that data here
site  Optional: If you want to break down your reporting by site, you can include the country information here This input is flexible, so if Business Unit or some other identifier is more relevant for you, you can include that data here
city Optional: If you want to break down your reporting by city, you can include the country information here  

This determines the default UI language for the user for example in

language is accepted in following format: two-letter code (639-1)
Examples: fi, en, es, de, sv

If you leave this empty, the default language will be set on a domain level by your Hoxhunt Onboarding Manager

questLanguages  This determines the Hoxhunt Phishing Training email languages for the user

questLanguage is accepted in following format: two-letter code (639-1)
Examples: fi, en, es, de, sv

If you leave this empty, the default language will be set on a domain level by your Hoxhunt Onboarding Manager. All users will receive training emails in English by default. 


Determines if the user is receiving Hoxhunt Phishing Training emails or not

Intensive = The user receives Hoxhunt Phishing training emails

Report_only = The user DOES NOT receive Hoxhunt Phishing Training emails, but they can report real suspicious emails with the Hoxhunt button

If you leave this empty, the default setting will be set on an organization level by your Hoxhunt Onboarding Manager
isAnonymous Determines if the user is anonymous ie if their name is shown in the leaderboard on and if their name is used in co-worker impersonation training emails. 

If you leave this empty, the default setting will be set per your preferences in the Admin Portal.

Read more: 

Admin Portal: Training Settings / User Visibility and Leaderboard Settings


:info: Tip

  • Make sure to keep your CSV in UTF-8 encoding.

4. Upload your CSV and choose Review

5. Next, review the user data and make necessary changes. Pay attention to fields highlighted in red as they contain errors. See Some user are highlighted in red on how to resolve invalid user data.


6. Once you are satisfied with the user data, choose Import

NOTE: Importing user data to Hoxhunt may take a while.

IMPORTANT: Please do not close the web page while the import is in progress! The import process is running on your local web client. If you close the window, the import will be interrupted.

5. When the import is finished, you can see a summary of the import results. You can see how many users were created, how many users were updated, and how many errors were still encountered during the import. Congratulations, your user import is complete!

:info: Tip

  • You can download a CSV for each batch of users for further review.


Frequently Asked Questions about the User Import Tool

What happens if user already exists?

If you are importing a user who is already in the Hoxhunt service, the user’s details will be updated based on your import data. The tool is not aware if a user already exists, but it can update their data if they exist.

Can we use this tool to add, update, and delete users based on a master user list?

The User Import tool can be used to add new users and update existing users, but not to delete users. Deleting users or comparing importable CSV list to current user base is not yet available. You can still use the Admin Portal > User Management to delete individual users or groups of users, read more here.

Some users are highlighted in red, what should I do?

User import tool detects if user data is not in accordance with import requirements. Most common errors are related to the mandatory fields: first name, last name, and email address. Please fix the highlighted data and proceed.
NOTE: Due to security reasons, user's first name and last name cannot contain any bracket characters.


You can download a CSV of users who cause an error to resolve and process them later by selecting Download CSV > Errors only


If you want to proceed with the import and deal with the errors later, selecting the errored users and then select Action > Remove from import


NOTE: Removed users are only excluded from the import process, not from your original CSV or Hoxhunt user base.


My import resulted in some errors, what should I do?

Download CSV of the users who resulted in an error, and double-check your user data is valid. Please then try to import the users again.

I can’t find the reason for my import errors, what should I do?

You network connection might have been interrupted, causing user import to end abruptly. If the error persists, please contact Hoxhunt support at for assistance.

Option 2: Send your CSV to us

Adding users to Hoxhunt during the launch

If you have any trouble with the User Import Tool, you can also provide CSV lists to Hoxhunt Support periodically to keep your user base up-to-date. 

Please provide a list of user details to your Hoxhunt representative using the attached Excel template.

IMPORTANT: Make sure the data you provide is correct! Up-to-date and correctly formatted country and department information is crucial for accurate reporting. See section  Supported data formats above for the details on how to provide the different datapoints.

Updating the user list in Hoxhunt

Please provide a list of user details to Hoxhunt Support ( using the attached Excel template. A complete user list is preferred for best result - Hoxhunt will take care of the comparison.


If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out to your Onboarding Manager or support at



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