Quick Introduction to Hoxhunt

Welcome to Hoxhunt!

Hoxhunt teaches you to identify and report suspicious emails via fun and engaging Phishing Awareness Training. You can also report real suspicious emails via Hoxhunt to make sure your organization's security team stays up to date on current and emerging cybersecurity threats.

Did you know that around 80-90% of all security breaches include a human element? By participating in the Hoxhunt Phishing Awareness Training, you learn how to recognize and report these types of phishing attacks, and help to prevent them from harming you and others in your organization. You'll be an expert in no time!

How does Hoxhunt work?

  • Hoxhunt sends simulated phishing emails for you to recognize and report. 
  • When you report a Hoxhunt simulated phishing email, you get the chance to learn more about the simulated phishing attack you received. These are always customized for the training email you received, so that you will learn something new each time. 
  • You can follow own progress as well as some overviews for your whole organization at  https://game.hoxhunt.com/ . Read more: Hoxhunt Dashboard Overview


How can I join Hoxhunt's Phishing Training?

There are a couple of ways how you can start receiving simulated phishing emails from Hoxhunt:

  • You will receive an email from Hoxhunt, by reporting the email you will onboard to the Hoxhunt Training. If you do not react to the first email Hoxhunt will send you other phishing simulation emails and may even send you the initial email again. You can onboard from any of the emails Hoxhunt sends you.
  • You decide to report a suspicious email by clicking on the Hoxhunt button, but you have not received an email from Hoxhunt.

Reporting a simulated phishing email form Hoxhunt

Reporting your first Hoxhunt email is easy - simply locate Hoxhunt button in your email client and click on it!

TIP for Microsoft 365 users: you can also use Hoxhunt in Web Outlook (OWA) and Outlook Mobile app (iOS & Android). Read more: Locating Hoxhunt in Outlook

TIP for Google Workspace users: You can use the Hoxhunt add-on in the browser version of Gmail as well as the Mobile Gmail app. Read more: Locating Hoxhunt in Gmail



Reporting your first suspicious email that's not from Hoxhunt

IMPORTANT: Always follow your employer's official information security policy when reporting emails! If for any reason Hoxhunt button doesn't work, follow the alternative reporting guidelines provided by your employer.

Simply report the email with Hoxhunt button. Read more about the reporting options from Reporting Suspicious Emails (Phishing or Spam).

If you are not sure if the email is phishing or spam, please read our article Phishing or Spam - What is the difference?





If you have any questions about how Hoxhunt works, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team at support@hoxhunt.com.

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