Always follow your organization's official security guidelines when reporting suspicious emails.
What is spam?
A lot of the world's email traffic is spam. Spam is unwanted email that is often created for marketing purposes. This may include, but not be limited to:
- Marketing spam
- Sales spam
- Event spam
What should I do if I receive a spam email?
Usually spam is only annoying, but can sometimes be harmful if you are asked to sign up for a list or give out your details in order to receive a price.
- Do not share any personal information and
- Do not click on any links
- Do not click "unsubscribe"
Report the email with the Hoxhunt button, read more here: Reporting Suspicious Emails (Phishing or Spam)
Read more about the origins of phishing and spam as well as how to tell the difference between the two: Phishing v Spam - What is the difference?
Always follow your organization's official security guidelines when reporting suspicious emails.