Pre-launch communication templates and visual elements


The communication templates and visual elements listed in this article can be used to prepare participants for your Hoxhunt launch in your initial Encourage phase. Your organization can use the templates as is, or edit them to suit your organization's needs.

Check out our article: Pre-launch: Introduce Hoxhunt to your employees before launch

Pre-launch communication templates and visual elements can be found in Sharepoint here.

You will have access to all templates:

  • With visuals for both Outlook and Gmail
    • Special: Visuals also available for customers using the COM Add-in
  • As pdf and in editable ppt
  • In A4 one pager / slideshow format
  • Hoxhunt knowledgebase articles linked in the material with more information

Communication templates are available in the following languages: 

  • English
  • Finnish
  • Swedish
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • German
  • French
  • Spanish

Content of Hoxhunt communication templates and visual elements

In the communication templates, you will find the following templates and content:

1. General introduction to Hoxhunt 

  • Introduction to the threat landscape
  • Introduction to why the Hoxhunt Training is taking place
  • Introduction to how the Hoxhunt Training works 

Relevant Hoxhunt knowledegebase articles

2. Welcome to Hoxhunt and how to get started

  • Welcome to Hoxhunt, a short intro
  • How to locate the Hoxhunt button

Relevant Hoxhunt knowledegebase articles

3. Example Welcome emails

  • First email employees receive from Hoxhunt
  • For additional language versions beyond those you can find in Sharepoint, you can review all supported language versions in the Admin Portal by searching for the tag bootcamp.0.official.multilingual

Additional materials

Communication materials: Gifs, Screenshots and Other Visuals

Post-launch communication materials and templates

Feedback or questions?

If you have any feedback or questions about our communication templates and visual elements, please reach out to your Onboarding Manager or

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