Allowlisting Proofpoint solutions

IMPORTANT: For the best experience with Hoxhunt, Proofpoint strongly recommends allowing Hoxhunt to send training emails directly to your mail server. This would allow Hoxhunt's emails to bypass Proofpoint and its link scanning, and prevent potentially skewed simulation results (auto-fails) caused by Proofpoint.

NOTE: If you decide to allowlist Hoxhunt in Proofpoint instead, please note that Proofpoint may still quarantine a small amount of Hoxhunt's training emails.


Please complete every step below that matches your Proofpoint setup.


Proofpoint Email Protection

1. Go to Proofpoint admin center and navigate to Email Firewall > Rules.

2. Under Rule Settings section, Set Enable to On.

3a. Enter a name of your rule to ID field, for example "HoxHunt allowlisting by IP Address".

3b. Provide a more descriptive explanation of the rule to description field, for example "This rule allows Hoxhunt phishing training emails to be received from Hoxhunt."

4. Move down to Conditions section, click Add Condition and add the following IP addresses:


Figure 1. Summary of steps 1 to 4.


5. Move on to Dispositions section and set Delivery Method to Deliver Now.



Figure 2. Summary of step 5.

6. Save the rule and allow some time for the rule to propagate before testing it.


Proofpoint Essentials

1. Go to Proofpoint Essentials admin console.

2. Navigate to Security Settings > Email > Sender Lists.

3. In the Safe Senders List section, add the following IP addresses:

4. Save the rule by selecting Save.


Proofpoint Enterprise

1. Go to Proofpoint Enterprise admin console.

2. Select Email Protection.

3. From the Spam Detection drop-down, select Organizational Safe List.

4. Select Add.

5. In the Proofpoint - Global Safe List window, enter the following information:
Filter Type: Sender IP Address
Operator: Equals
Value: enter the following IP addresses -,,

6. Select Save Changes.


Proofpoint Targeted Attack Protection (TAP)

1. Go to Proofpoint Essentials/Enterprise admin console.

2. Select Email Protection.

3. From the Targeted Attack Protection drop-down, select URL Defense.

4. Select URL Rewrite Policies.

5. In the Exceptions section, add the following IP addresses:

6. Select Save Changes.


If Hoxhunt training emails are still going to spam or quarantine

1. Go to Proofpoint admin center and navigate to Email Protection > Spam Detection > Organizational Safe List.

2. Add the following IP addresses:

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